purpose meaning creativity
Creative Vs Consumer Orientation: The Choice That Defines Us
A Call To Adventure Life presents us with a fundamental choice: to create or to merely consume Now that I think of it, ...
imagination creativity Ai
Rewilding Your Imagination.
If you want your ideas to serve you, you first need to serve them When was the last time something made you gasp, stopped ...
how to finish follow through
Why Smart People Fail to Start or Finish and Get Stuck (And How to Fix It)
The No Follow-Through Bug: Why Smart People Get Stuck and How to Get Unstuck So, you're smart, capable, and full of ideas....
inner critic creator
The World Beyond Your Head.
From a Battleground to a Sanctuary. Mediating between Inner Critic and Creator. They say: trust yourself, trust your gut!...
how to change
Springing into Personal Spring.
Incubation & Doing Less to get more done. Just because you can't see it does not mean it's not happening. Hello, ...
how to change
Why Change is Hard -And Why “Just Do It!” Doesn’t Cut It.
How we change and why we don't. Part 1 of many. Days are longer, brighter, and spring is on the horizon. There’s some h...
social media fatigue
Algorithm-Fed, Starving for Connection and Meaning.
The Social Media Fatigue I had other plans for today than write this, but felt like sharing some thoughts still. So...
Why We Should All Channel Our Inner Futurists (and How to Start Without a Crystal Ball)
Feed Your Curiosity and Hone Your Intuition. My curiosity often gets me into weird but fascinating corners of the (digita...
The Overthinker’s Trap: Why Your Brain Might Be Holding You Back.
Thinking Is Your Superpower...Until It Isn't. The Overthinker's Trap Ambitious overthinkers have a problem: the indust...
information overload dopamine
Mind on Overload: When Knowledge Becomes a Burden.
Are You hooked on information? When was the last time you walked without distraction? Watched a movie without your phone? Use...
modern world technology ancient brain attention economy comfort crisis
Overwhelmed by the Modern World: Navigating the Challenges of Today’s Digital Environment
I'd rather chop wood than engage on X IN TODAY’S BENTO BOX Why is is so easy and -at the same time- so hard to achieve...
Intentional Life Chaos
Beyond the Chaos: Crafting a Deliberate Life in a Distracted World
Do more of what truly matters. "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the r...
Stress can help
Stress: Your Unexpected Ally in Personal Growth
From drowning in stress to riding the waves. People stress out about stress. Stress, a word that instinctively tightens...
Bento Box Newsletter 1
Mental Declutter: Unpacking Mental Overload & Crafting Calm!
Shed the Cognitive Excess & Reclaim Your Peace, One Thought at a Time! SO, WHAT’S IN TODAY’S BENTO BOX? Lightening ...